The Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival is proud to showcase over 40 booths operated by local non-profit organizations. Be sure to stop by, check out the selection of delicious foods, and show your support for our non-profits!
Seafood Baked Potatoes, STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE, Strawberry Daiquiris,
and so much more!

Get Involved
To be considered for a booth space on festival grounds, your organization must be registered with the Louisiana Secretary of State as a non-profit organization.
1) Review our Booth Rules and Protected Booth Items
2) Download and fill out our Booth Entry Form
3) Mail in your completed form and entry fee
Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival, Inc.
Attn: Booth Chairman
P.O. Box 446 Ponchatoula, LA 70454
Please make checks payable to Ponchatoula Strawberry Festival, Inc.

A New Beginning Ministry
A Touch of Class Boosters
Akindelas Fraternity
Albany Masonic Lodge
American Legion Post 47
Annie Bessie Foundation
A’Reya’s Angels
Blood River Church of God
Boy Scouts of America Troop 100
Boy Scouts of America Troop 170
Boy Scouts of America Troop 172
Breaux Bridge Junior High Booster Club
Challenge Girls Club
Charlie Landry Foundation
Congregation of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Courtney Christian School
DC Reeves Elementary School
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
First Baptist Church of Ponchatoula
First Pentecostal Church
First UPC of Ponchatoula
Gideon’s International
Hammond Yankees
Hammond High Magnet School Soccer Team
Kappa Sigma Fraternity
Kid’s Sports, Inc.
Louisiana Shockers Fast Pitch Softball
Louisiana State Police
Louisiana Swarm Softball
Ponchatoula High School Band
Ponchatoula High School Future Farmers of America
Ponchatoula High School Key Club
Ponchatoula High School Softball
Ponchatoula Chamber of Commerce
Ponchatoula Jaycees
Ponchatoula Junior High
Ponchatoula Kiwanis Club
Ponchatoula Knights of Columbus
Ponchatoula Masters Club
Ponchatoula Rotary Club
Quad Area Vets Baseball Team
Redemption Christian Center
Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority
Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity Alumni
Special Olympics Louisiana Northshore
Strength Outcomes with Autism Resources
Swamp Elite Retreat
Tangipahoa Parish Fair Association
The Italian Festival
Theta Phi Alpha Sorority
Totus Tuus Leadership Foundation Conquest Youth
Trinity Baptist Church
Trojan Elite Track Club
Youth’s Entering in the Spirit
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority